ID Title Context
AF001EW Members of the Armed Forces by residence type by sex by age Census
AF002EW Household Reference Persons (HRPs) who are members of the Armed Forces and associated persons in households with members of the Armed Forces by sex by age Census
AF003EW Economic activity of associated people in households with members of the Armed Forces by sex Census
AF004EW Members of the Armed Forces by workplace address by sex by age Census
AF005EW Members of the Armed Forces by ethnic group by sex Census
AF006EW Members of the Foreign Armed Forces by sex by age Census
AP1101EW Sex by five-year age group (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
AP1102EW Sex by single year of age (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
AP1201EW Country of birth (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
AP1202EW Passports held (detailed) (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
AP1601EW Economic activity (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
CT0010 Ethnic group (write-in responses) Census
CT0065 Proficiency in English by year of arrival in the UK by country of birth by age (national) Census
CT0066 Proficiency in English by year of arrival in the UK by passports held (national) Census
CT0067 General health by year of arrival in the UK by country of birth by age (national) Census
CT0068 General health by year of arrival in the UK by passports held by age (national) Census
CT0069 Tenure by year of arrival in the UK by country of birth (national) Census
CT0070 Tenure by year of arrival in the UK by passports held (national) Census
CT0071 Highest level of qualification by year of arrival in the UK by country of birth by age (national) Census
CT0072 Highest level of qualification by year of arrival in the UK by passports held by age (national) Census
CT0073 Economic activity by year of arrival in the UK by country of birth (national) Census
CT0074 Economic actvity by year of arrival in the UK by passports held (national) Census
CT0075 Industry by year of arrival in the UK by country of birth (national) Census
CT0076 Industry by year of arrival in the UK by passports held (national) Census
CT0077 Occupation by year of arrival in the UK by country of birth (national) Census
CT0078 Occupation by year of arrival in the UK by passports held (national) Census
CT0144 Occupation (full) by industry (full) (national) Census
CT0240 Usual residents aged 18 and over qualified to vote in the UK Parliamentary general elections Census
DC1101EW Marital and civil partnership status by sex by age - Household Reference Persons Census
DC1102EW Living arrangements by sex by age - Household Reference Persons Census
DC1103WAla Extended Welsh household composition by age of youngest dependent child Census
DC1104EW Residence type by sex by age Census
DC1106EW Schoolchildren and full-time students at their non term-time address by sex by age Census
DC1107EW Marital and civil partnership status by sex by age Census
DC1108EW Living arrangements by sex by age Census
DC1109EW Household composition by age by sex Census
DC1110EWla Concealed family status by family type by dependent children by age of Family Reference Person (FRP) Census
DC1112EWla Age of youngest dependent child by household type by sex by age Census
DC1113EW Age of youngest dependent child by household type Census
DC1114EW Dependent children by family type Census
DC1115EW Age of youngest dependent child by family type by marital status by age of Family Reference Person (FRP) Census
DC1116EWla Marital and civil partnership status by sex by age - Communal establishment residents Census
DC1117EW Sex by single year of age Census
DC1118EW Age of youngest dependent child by family type Census
DC1201EW Household composition by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
DC1202EW Household composition by religion of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
DC1203EW Dependent children by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP) by age Census
DC1301EW Household composition by number of people in household with a long-term health problem or disability Census
DC1401EW Household composition by car or van availability Census
DC1402EW Household composition by number of bedrooms Census
DC1601EWla Family status by number of parents working by dependent children in family by economic activity Census
DC1602EWla Residence type by economic activity by age Census
DC2101EW Ethnic group by sex by age Census
DC2102EW National identity by sex by age Census
DC2103EW Country of birth by sex by age Census
DC2104EW Main language by sex by age Census
DC2105EW Proficiency in English by sex by age Census
DC2106WAla Welsh language skills by sex by age Census
DC2107EW Religion by sex by age Census
DC2108EW Passports held by sex by age Census
DC2109EWr Country of birth by sex by age (regional) Census
DC2110EWr Passports held by sex by age (regional) Census
DC2112WAla Extended Welsh household composition by ability to speak Welsh by age of dependent child Census
DC2115WA Family type by parents' ability to speak Welsh by age and ability to speak Welsh of dependent child Census
DC2116EW Ethnic group of dependent child by sex Census
DC2117EWla Ethnic group by sex by age - Communal establishment residents Census
DC2118EWla Country of birth by age - Communal establishment residents Census
DC2119EWla Passports held by sex by age - Communal establishment residents Census
DC2121EW Ethnic group by accommodation type Census
DC2122EW Country of birth by number of children in family Census
DC2201EW Ethnic group by religion Census
DC2202EW National identity by ethnic group Census
DC2203WA Ability to speak Welsh by national identity by sex by age Census
DC2204EW National identity by religion Census
DC2205EW Country of birth by ethnic group by sex Census
DC2206WA Welsh language skills by country of birth by sex by age Census
DC2207EW Country of birth by religion by sex Census
DC2208EWr Passports held by country of birth (regional) Census
DC2209EWr Country of birth by national identity (regional) Census
DC2210EWr Main language by proficiency in English (regional) Census
DC2301EW Ethnic group by provision of unpaid care by general health Census
DC2302EWr Proficiency in English by general health by sex by age (regional) Census
DC2303EW Proficiency in English by general health by sex by age Census
DC2401WA Number of people who can speak Welsh by household size Census
DC2402WA Ability to speak Welsh by tenure by age - Household Reference Person Census
DC2403WA Welsh language skills by tenure by age - Household Reference Persons Census
DC2404WAla Ability to speak Welsh by communal establishment management and type by position in communal establishment Census
DC2405WAla Welsh language skills by communal establishment management and type by position in communal establishment Census
DC2501WAla Highest level of qualification by Welsh language skills by age Census
DC2601WA Ability of dependent child in a family to speak Welsh by NS-SeC of Household Reference Person by Welsh household composition Census
DC2602EW Proficiency in English by occupation by sex by age Census
DC2604EW Proficiency in English by industry by economic activity Census
DC2605WAla Ability to speak Welsh by year last worked by age Census
DC2606WAla Ability of dependent child in a family to speak Welsh by Welsh household composition by approximated social grade of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
DC2607WAla Welsh language skills by industry Census
DC2608WAla Welsh language skills by occupation Census
DC2609WAla Welsh language skills by NS-SeC Census
DC2610WA Ability to speak Welsh by year last worked Census
DC2611WA Ability to speak Welsh by industry Census
DC2612WA Ability to speak Welsh by occupation Census
DC2613WA Ability to speak Welsh by NS-SeC Census
DC2801EW Ethnic group by age of arrival in the UK Census
DC2802EW Country of birth by age of arrival in UK Census
DC2803EW Proficiency in English by age of arrival in the UK Census
DC2804EWr Country of birth by year of arrival in the UK (regional) Census
DC2805EWr Passports held by year of arrival in the UK (regional) Census
DC2806EW Passports held by age of arrival in the UK Census
DC3201EW Long-term health problem or disability by general health by ethnic group by sex by age Census
DC3202WA Welsh language skills by long-term health problem or disability by general health by sex by age Census
DC3203EW Long-term health problem or disability by general health by religion by sex by age Census
DC3204EWr General health by ethnic group by sex by age (regional) Census
DC3205EWr Long-term health problem or disability by ethnic group by sex by age (regional) Census
DC3301EW Provision of unpaid care by general health by sex by age Census
DC3302EW Long-term health problem or disability by general health by sex by age Census
DC3303EWr Provision of unpaid care by general health by sex by age (regional) Census
DC3304EWla Long-term health problem or disability by general health by age - Communal establishment residents Census
DC3306EW Provision of unpaid care by households with people with a long-term Census
DC3401EWla General health by communal establishment management and type by sex by age Census
DC3402EWla Long-term health problem or disability by communal establishment management and type by sex by age Census
DC3403EW General health by long-term health problem or disability by occupancy rating (rooms) by age Census
DC3404EW General health by long-term health problem or disability by occupancy rating (bedrooms) by age Census
DC3405EW General health by long-term health problem or disability by car or van availability by sex Census
DC3407EW Long-term health problem or disability by car or van availability by sex by age Census
DC3408EW Long-term health problem or disability by tenure by sex by age Census
DC3409EW General health by tenure by sex by age Census
DC3601EW General health by NS-SeC by sex by age Census
DC3602EW Long-term health problem or disability by NS-SeC by sex by age Census
DC4101EW Tenure by household composition Census
DC4102EW Number of bedrooms by accommodation type by age of dependent children Census
DC4103EW Number of bedrooms by tenure by age of dependent children Census
DC4104EWla Tenure by occupancy rating (rooms) by household composition Census
DC4105EWla Tenure by occupancy rating (bedrooms) by household composition Census
DC4107EWla Position in communal establishment by sex by age Census
DC4109EWla Car or van availability by sex by age Census
DC4201EW Tenure by ethnic group by age - Household Reference Persons Census
DC4202EW Tenure by car or van availability by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
DC4203EW Tenure by car or van availability by ethnic group Census
DC4204EW Tenure by car or van availability by religion of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
DC4205EW Dwelling type by type of central heating in household by occupancy rating (rooms) by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
DC4206EW Dwelling type by type of central heating in household by occupancy rating (bedrooms) by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
DC4207EW Dwelling type by type of central heating in household by occupancy rating (rooms) by religion of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
DC4208EW Dwelling type by type of central heating in household by occupancy rating (bedrooms) by religion of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
DC4209EW Number of persons per room in household by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
DC4210EWla Communal establishment management and type by sex by age Census
DC4211EWla Communal establishment management and type by ethnic group by sex Census
DC4402EW Accommodation type by type of central heating in household by tenure Census
DC4403EW Accommodation type by household spaces Census
DC4404EW Tenure by household size by number of rooms Census
DC4405EW Tenure by household size by number of bedrooms Census
DC4406EW Tenure by number of persons per room in household by accommodation type Census
DC4407EW Tenure by number of persons per bedroom in household by accommodation type Census
DC4408EW Tenure by number of persons per bedroom in household by household type Census
DC4409EWla Communal establishment management and type by religion by sex Census
DC4415EWla Accommodation type by car or van availability by number of usual residents aged 17 or over in household Census
DC4416EWla Tenure by car or van availability by number of usual residents aged 17 or over in household Census
DC4601EW Tenure by economic activity by age - Household Reference Persons Census
DC4602EWr Tenure by industry by age - Household Reference Persons (regional) Census
DC4604EW Tenure by occupation by age - Household Reference Persons Census
DC4605EW Tenure by NS-SeC by age - Household Reference Persons Census
DC4606EW Tenure by number of bedrooms by occupation of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
DC4607EWr Tenure by occupation by sex by age - Household Reference Persons (regional) Census
DC4608EWr Tenure by NS-SeC by sex by age - Household Reference Persons (regional) Census
DC4801EWla Communal establishment management and type by position in communal establishment by resident one year ago Census
DC5101EWla Highest level of qualification by sex by age - Communal establishment residents Census
DC5102EW Highest level of qualification by sex by age Census
DC5103EW Highest level of qualification by household composition Census
DC5104EWla Highest level of qualification by number of children by hours worked by sex Census
DC5106EW Highest level of qualification by family type Census
DC5107EWla Highest level of qualification by sex by age Census
DC5202EW Highest level of qualification by ethnic group by age Census
DC5203EW Highest level of qualification by country of birth by age Census
DC5204EW Highest level of qualification by religion by age Census
DC5205EWr Highest level of qualification by country of birth by age (regional) Census
DC5206EW Highest level of qualification by passports held by age Census
DC5207EWr Highest level of qualification by passports held by age (regional) Census
DC5208EW Highest level of qualification by main language Census
DC5209EWla Highest level of qualification by ethnic group Census
DC5301EW Highest level of qualification by long-term health problem or disability Census
DC5601EWla Highest level of qualification by economic activity by age Census
DC5602EW Highest level of qualification by economic activity of full-time students Census
DC5603EWr Highest level of qualification by economic activity by country of birth (regional) Census
DC5604EWr Highest level of qualification by economic activity by passports held (regional) Census
DC5801EW Highest level of qualification by year of arrival in the UK by sex by age Census
DC5802EWla Highest level of qualification by length of residence in the UK Census
DC6101EW NS-SeC by sex by age - Household Reference Persons Census
DC6102EW NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP) by households with schoolchildren or full-time students living away during term-time Census
DC6103EWla Economic activity by sex by age - Communal establishment residents Census
DC6104EWla Industry by sex by age - Communal establishment residents Census
DC6105EWla Occupation by sex by age - Communal establishment residents Census
DC6106EWla NS-SeC by sex by age - Communal establishment residents Census
DC6107EW Economic activity by sex by age Census
DC6108EW Economic activity of full-time students by student accommodation by age Census
DC6109EW Hours worked by sex by age Census
DC6110EW Industry by sex by age Census
DC6111EW Former industry by sex by age Census
DC6112EW Occupation by sex by age Census
DC6113EW Former occupation by sex by age Census
DC6114EW NS-SeC by sex by age Census
DC6115EW NS-SeC of Household Reference Person by household composition by sex Census
DC6116EW Year last worked by sex by age Census
DC6124EW Approximated social grade by sex by age Census
DC6125EW Approximated social grade by adult lifestage Census
DC6126EW Approximated social grade by adult lifestage - Household Reference Persons Census
DC6127EW Approximated social grade by household composition Census
DC6201EW Economic activity by ethnic group by sex by age Census
DC6203EW Economic activity by country of birth by sex by age Census
DC6204EW Economic activity by passports held by sex by age Census
DC6205EW Economic activity by religion by sex by age Census
DC6206EW NS-SeC by ethnic group by sex by age Census
DC6207EW NS-SeC by religion by sex by age Census
DC6208EWr Economic activity by country of birth by sex by age (regional) Census
DC6209EWr Economic activity by passorts held by sex by age (regional) Census
DC6210EW Economic activity by country of birth Census
DC6211EW Industry by ethnic group by age Census
DC6212EW Industry by religion by age Census
DC6213EW Occupation by ethnic group by sex by age Census
DC6214EW Occupation by religion by sex by age Census
DC6215EW Economic activity by passports held Census
DC6216EW Industry by ethnic group by sex Census
DC6217EW Industry by religion by sex Census
DC6218EW Approximated social grade by country of birth Census
DC6219EW Approximated social grade by passports held Census
DC6301EWla Economic activity by provision of unpaid care by general health by sex Census
DC6302EW Economic activity and hours worked by long-term health problem or disability by sex Census
DC6303EWr NS-SeC by general health by sex by age (regional) Census
DC6304EWr NS-SeC by long-term health problem or disability by sex by age (regional) Census
DC6401EW Economic activity by living arrangements Census
DC6403EW Approximated social grade by tenure by car or van availability Census
DC6501EWla Occupation by highest level of qualification by age Census
DC6502EWla NS-SeC by highest level of qualification by age Census
DC6503EWla Industry by highest level of qualification by age Census
DC6601EW Occupation by economic activity by sex Census
DC6602EW Industry by economic activity Census
DC6603EW Occupation by economic activity by age Census
DC6604EW Occupation by industry Census
DC6605EW Occupation by hours worked by sex Census
DC6606EW NS-SeC by economic activity by sex Census
DC6607EWla Home-worker by economic activity by sex by age Census
DC6608EWla Home-worker by industry by sex by age Census
DC6609EWla Home-worker by occupation by sex by age Census
DC7101EWla Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by sex by age Census
DC7102EWla Distance travelled to work by sex by age Census
DC7201EWla Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by ethnic group Census
DC7202EWla Distance travelled to work by ethnic group Census
DC7401EWla Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by car or van availability Census
DC7402EWla Distance travelled to work by car or van availability Census
DC7501EWla Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by highest level of qualification by sex Census
DC7502EWla Distance travelled to work by highest level of qualification by sex Census
DC7601EWla Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by hours worked by sex Census
DC7602EWla Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by industry Census
DC7603EWla Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by occupation by sex Census
DC7604EWla Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by NS-SeC by sex Census
DC7605EWla Distance travelled to work by hours worked by sex Census
DC7606EWla Distance travelled to work by industry Census
DC7607EWla Distance travelled to work by occupation by sex Census
DC7608EWla Distance travelled to work by NS-SeC by sex Census
DC7701EWla Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by distance travelled to work Census
KS101EW Usual resident population Census
KS103EW Marital and civil partnership status Census
KS104EW Living Arrangements Census
KS201EW Ethnic group Census
KS202EW National identity Census
KS204EW Country of birth Census
LC1101EW Marital and civil partnership status by sex by age - Household Reference Persons Census
LC1102EW Living arrangements by age - Household Reference Persons Census
LC1103WA Welsh household composition by age of youngest dependent child Census
LC1104EW Residence type by age Census
LC1105EW Residence type by sex by age Census
LC1106EW Schoolchildren and full-time students at their non term-time address by sex by age Census
LC1107EW Marital and civil partnership status by sex by age Census
LC1108EW Living arrangements by sex by age Census
LC1109EW Household composition by age by sex Census
LC1110EW Concealed family status by family type by dependent children by age of Family Reference Person (FRP) Census
LC1112EW Age of youngest dependent child by household type by sex Census
LC1113EW Age of youngest dependent child by household type Census
LC1114EW Dependent children by family type Census
LC1115EW Age of youngest dependent child by family type by age of Family Reference Person (FRP) Census
LC1117EW Sex by single year of age Census
LC1118EW Age of youngest dependent child by family type Census
LC1201EW Household composition by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
LC1202EW Household composition by religion of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
LC1203EW Dependent children by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP) by age Census
LC1301EW Household composition by number of people in household with a long-term health problem or disability Census
LC1401EW Household composition by car or van availability Census
LC1402EW Household composition by number of bedrooms Census
LC1601EW Family status by number of parents working by economic activity Census
LC2101EW Ethnic group by sex by age Census
LC2102EW National Identity by sex by age Census
LC2103EW Country of birth by sex by age Census
LC2104EW Main language by sex by age Census
LC2105EW Proficiency in English by age Census
LC2106WA Welsh language skills by sex by age Census
LC2107EW Religion by sex by age Census
LC2108EW Passports held by sex by age Census
LC2109EWls Ethnic group by age Census
LC2110EWls National identity by age Census
LC2115WA Family type by parents' ability to speak Welsh by age and ability to speak Welsh of dependent child Census
LC2116EW Ethnic group of dependent child by sex Census
LC2120EW Religion by accommodation type Census
LC2121EW Ethnic group by accommodation type Census
LC2122EW Country of birth by number of children in family Census
LC2123EW Religion of dependent child by sex Census
LC2124EW Proficiency in English of dependent child by sex Census
LC2201EW Ethnic group by religion Census
LC2202EW National identity by ethnic group Census
LC2203WA Ability to speak Welsh by national identity by age Census
LC2204EW National identity by religion Census
LC2205EW Country of birth by ethnic group Census
LC2206WA Welsh language skills by country of birth by age Census
LC2207EW Country of birth by religion by sex Census
LC2208EW Passports held by country of birth Census
LC2301EW Ethnic group by provision of unpaid care by general health Census
LC2303EW Proficiency in English by general health by sex Census
LC2401WA Number of people who can speak Welsh by household size Census
LC2402WA Ability to speak Welsh by tenure - Household Reference Persons Census
LC2403WA Welsh language skills by tenure - Household Reference Persons Census
LC2404EWls Ethnic group by occupancy rating (bedrooms) Census
LC2405EWls Ethnic group by occupancy rating (rooms) Census
LC2602EW Proficiency in English by occupation Census
LC2603EW Proficiency in English by economic activity Census
LC2604EW Proficiency in English by industry Census
LC2610WA Ability to speak Welsh by year last worked Census
LC2611WA Ability to speak Welsh by industry Census
LC2612WA Ability to speak Welsh by occupation Census
LC2613WA Ability to speak Welsh by NS-SeC Census
LC2801EW Ethnic group by age of arrival in the UK Census
LC2802EW Country of birth by age of arrival in the UK Census
LC2803EW Proficiency in English by age of arrival in the UK Census
LC2804EW Country of birth by year of arrival in the UK Census
LC2805EW Passports held by year of arrival in the UK Census
LC2806EW Passports held by age of arrival in the UK Census
LC3101EWls Long-term health problem or disability by sex by age Census
LC3102EW Long-term health problem or disability by number of children in family Census
LC3202WA General health by ability to speak Welsh by age Census
LC3203EW General health by religion by sex by age Census
LC3204WA Long-term health problem or disability by ability to speak Welsh by age Census
LC3205EW Long-term health problem or disability by ethnic group by sex by age Census
LC3206EW General health by ethnic group by sex by age Census
LC3207EW Long-term health problem or disability by religion by sex by age Census
LC3301EW Provision of unpaid care by general health by sex by age Census
LC3302EW Long-term health problem or disability by general health by sex by age Census
LC3304EW Provision of unpaid care by age Census
LC3305EW Long-term health problem or disability by provision of unpaid care by sex Census
LC3306EW Provision of unpaid care by households with people with a long-term health problem or disability by economic activity by sex Census
LC3307EW Provision of unpaid care by general health by households with people who have a long-term health problem or disability Census
LC3403EW General health by long-term health problem or disability by occupancy rating (rooms) Census
LC3404EW General health by long-term health problem or disability by occupancy rating (bedrooms) Census
LC3405EW Long-term health problem or disability by car or van availability by sex Census
LC3406EW General health by car or van availability by sex Census
LC3407EW Long-term health problem or disability by car or van availability by age Census
LC3408EW Long-term health problem or disability by tenure by age Census
LC3409EW General health by tenure by age Census
LC3601EW General health by NS-SeC Census
LC3602EW Long-term health problem or disability by NS-SeC by age Census
LC4101EW Tenure by household composition Census
LC4102EW Number of bedrooms by accommodation type by age of dependent children Census
LC4103EW Number of bedrooms by tenure by age of dependent children Census
LC4104EW Occupancy rating (rooms) by household composition Census
LC4105EW Occupancy rating (bedrooms) by household composition Census
LC4106EW Occupancy rating (rooms) by tenure Census
LC4108EW Occupancy rating (bedrooms) by tenure Census
LC4109EW Car or van availability by sex by age Census
LC4110EW Car or van availability by household composition Census
LC4201EW Tenure by ethnic group by age - Household Reference Persons Census
LC4202EW Tenure by car or van availability by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
LC4203EW Tenure by car or van availability by ethnic group Census
LC4204EW Tenure by car or van availability by religion of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
LC4205EW Occupancy rating (rooms) by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
LC4206EW Occupancy rating (bedrooms) by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
LC4207EW Occupancy rating (rooms) by religion of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
LC4208EW Occupancy rating (bedrooms) by religion of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
LC4209EW Number of persons per room in household by ethnic group of Household Reference Person (HRP) Census
LC4402EW Accommodation type by type of central heating in household by tenure Census
LC4403EW Accommodation type by household spaces Census
LC4404EW Tenure by household size by number of rooms Census
LC4405EW Tenure by household size by number of bedrooms Census
LC4406EW Tenure by number of persons per room in household by accommodation type Census
LC4407EW Tenure by number of persons per bedroom in household by accommodation type Census
LC4408EW Tenure by number of persons per bedroom in household by household type Census
LC4410EW Type of central heating in household by occupancy rating (rooms) by age Census
LC4411EW Student accommodation by age Census
LC4412EW Tenure by dependent children in household Census
LC4413EW Occupancy rating (rooms) by type of central heating in household Census
LC4414EW Occupancy rating (bedrooms) by type of central heating in household Census
LC4415EW Accommodation type by car or van availability by number of usual residents aged 17 or over in household Census
LC4416EW Tenure by car or van availability by number of usual residents aged 17 or over in household Census
LC4417EW Tenure by car or van availability by religion Census
LC4601EW Tenure by economic activity by age - Household Reference Persons Census
LC4602EW Tenure by industry - Household Reference Persons Census
LC4604EW Tenure by occupation - Household Reference Persons Census
LC4605EW Tenure by NS-SeC - Household Reference Persons Census
LC4609EW Car or van availability by economic activity Census
LC4610EW Car or van availability by employment status Census
LC5102EW Highest level of qualification by age Census
LC5103EW Highest level of qualification by household composition Census
LC5104EW Highest level of qualification by number of children Census
LC5106EW Highest level of qualification by family type Census
LC5107EW Highest level of qualification by sex Census
LC5202EW Highest level of qualification by ethnic group Census
LC5203EW Highest level of qualification by country of birth Census
LC5204EW Highest level of qualification by religion Census
LC5206EW Highest level of qualification by passports held Census
LC5208EW Highest level of qualification by main language Census
LC5301EW Highest level of qualification by long-term health problem or disability Census
LC5601EW Highest level of qualification by economic activity Census
LC5605EWls Highest level of qualification by economic activity by age Census
LC5801EW Highest level of qualification by year of arrival in the UK Census
LC5802EW Highest level of qualification by length of residence in the UK Census
LC6101EW NS-SeC by sex by age - Household Reference Persons Census
LC6107EW Economic activity by sex by age Census
LC6108EW Economic activity of full-time students by student accommodation Census
LC6109EW Hours worked by sex Census
LC6110EW Industry by age Census
LC6111EW Former industry by age Census
LC6112EW Occupation by age Census
LC6113EW Former occupation by age Census
LC6114EW NS-SeC by age Census
LC6115EW NS-SeC of Household Reference Person by household composition Census
LC6116EW Year last worked by age Census
LC6117EW Hours worked by age Census
LC6118EW Industry by sex Census
LC6119EW Former industry by sex Census
LC6120EW Occupation by sex Census
LC6121EW NS-SeC by sex Census
LC6122EW Year last worked by sex Census
LC6123EW Former occupation by sex Census
LC6124EW Approximated social grade by sex by age Census
LC6125EW Approximated social grade by adult lifestage Census
LC6201EW Economic activity by ethnic group by age Census
LC6205EW Economic activity by religion Census
LC6206EW NS-SeC by ethnic group by age Census
LC6207EW NS-SeC by religion Census
LC6210EW Economic activity by country of birth Census
LC6211EW Industry by ethnic group Census
LC6212EW Industry by religion Census
LC6213EW Occupation by ethnic group Census
LC6214EW Occupation by religion Census
LC6215EW Economic activity by passports held Census
LC6301EW Economic activity by provision of unpaid care by general health Census
LC6302EW Economic activity by hours worked by long-term health problem or disability Census
LC6401EW Economic activity by living arrangements Census
LC6601EW Occupation by economic activity Census
LC6602EW Industry by economic activity Census
LC6605EW Occupation by hours worked Census
LC6606EW NS-SeC by economic activity Census
LC7101EW Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by age Census
LC7102EW Distance travelled to work by age Census
LC7103EW Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by sex Census
LC7104EW Distance travelled to work by sex Census
LC7201EW Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by ethnic group Census
LC7202EW Distance travelled to work by ethnic group Census
LC7401EW Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by car or van availability Census
LC7402EW Distance travelled to work by car or van availability Census
LC7501EW Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by highest level of qualification Census
LC7502EW Distance travelled to work by highest level of qualification Census
LC7601EW Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by hours worked Census
LC7602EW Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by industry Census
LC7603EW Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by occupation Census
LC7604EW Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by NS-SeC Census
LC7605EW Distance travelled to work by hours worked Census
LC7606EW Distance travelled to work by industry Census
LC7607EW Distance travelled to work by occupation Census
LC7608EW Distance travelled to work by NS-SeC Census
LC7701EW Method of travel to work (2001 specification) by distance travelled to work Census
OT102EW Population density (Out of term-time population) Census
OT107EW Marital and civil partnership status (Out of term-time population) Census
OT1101EW Sex by five-year age group (Out of term-time population) Census
OT1117EW Sex by single year of age (Out of term-time population) Census
OT201EW Ethnic group (Out of term-time population) Census
OT203EW Country of birth (detailed) (Out of term-time population) Census
OT204EW Main language (detailed) (Out of term-time population) Census
OT206WA Welsh language skills (Out of term-time population) Census
OT207WA Welsh language skills (detailed) (Out of term-time population) Census
OT210EW Religion (Out of term-time population) Census
OT212EW Passports held (detailed) (Out of term-time population) Census
OT301EW Provision of unpaid care (Out of term-time population) Census
OT302EW General health (Out of term-time population) Census
OT501EW Highest level of qualification (Out of term-time population) Census
OT601EW Economic activity (Out of term-time population) Census
OT603EW Economic activity - Full-time students (Out of term-time population) Census
OT604EW Hours worked (Out of term-time population) Census
OT605EW Industry (Out of term-time population) Census
OT606EW Occupation (Minor groups) (Out of term-time population) Census
OT607EW NS-SeC (Out of term-time population) Census
OT803EW Length of residence in the UK (Out of term-time population) Census
QS101EW Residence type Census
QS103EW Age by single year Census
QS104EW Sex Census
QS105EW Schoolchildren and full-time students at their non term-time address Census
QS106EW Second address Census
QS108EW Living arrangements Census
QS110EW Adult lifestage (alternative adult definition) Census
QS111EW Household lifestage Census
QS112EW Household composition - People Census
QS113EW Household composition - Households Census
QS114EW Household composition (alternative child and adult definitions) - People Census
QS115EW Household composition (alternative child and adult definitions) - Households Census
QS116EW Household type Census
QS117EW People aged 18 to 64 living in a one adult household Census
QS118EW Families with dependent children Census
QS119EW Households by deprivation dimensions Census
QS121EW Armed Forces Census
QS201EW Ethnic group Census
QS202EW Multiple ethnic groups Census
QS203EW Country of birth (detailed) Census
QS204EW Main language (detailed) Census
QS205EW Proficiency in English Census
QS206WA Welsh language skills Census
QS207WA Welsh language skills (detailed) Census
QS208EW Religion Census
QS210EW Religion (detailed) Census
QS211EW Ethnic group (detailed) Census
QS212EW Passports held (detailed) Census
QS214EW National identity (detailed) Census
QS301EW Provision of unpaid care Census
QS302EW General health Census
QS303EW Long-term health problem or disability Census
QS401EW Accommodation type - People Census
QS402EW Accommodation type - Households Census
QS403EW Tenure - People Census
QS404EW Tenure - Household Reference Person aged 65 and over Census
QS405EW Tenure - Households Census
QS406EW Household size Census
QS407EW Number of rooms Census
QS408EW Occupancy rating (rooms) Census
QS409EW Persons per room - Households Census
QS410EW Persons per room - People Census
QS411EW Number of bedrooms Census
QS412EW Occupancy rating (bedrooms) Census
QS413EW Persons per bedroom - Households Census
QS414EW Persons per bedroom - People Census
QS415EW Central heating Census
QS416EW Car or van availability Census
QS417EW Household spaces Census
QS418EW Dwellings Census
QS419EW Position in communal establishment Census
QS420EW Communal establishment management and type - Communal establishments Census
QS421EW Communal establishment management and type - People Census
QS501EW Highest level of qualification Census
QS502EW Qualifications gained Census
QS601EW Economic activity Census
QS602EW Economic activity of Household Reference Persons Census
QS603EW Economic activity - Full-time students Census
QS604EW Hours worked Census
QS605EW Industry Census
QS606EW Occupation (Minor Groups) Census
QS607EW NS-SeC Census
QS608EW NS-SeC of Household Reference Person - People aged under 65 Census
QS609EW NS-SeC of Household Reference Person - People Census
QS610EW NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP) - HRP aged under 65 Census
QS611EW Approximated social grade Census
QS612EW Year last worked Census
QS613EW Approximated social grade - Usual residents Census
QS701EW Method of travel to work Census
QS702EW Distance travelled to work Census
QS703EW Method of travel to work (2001 specification) Census
QS801EW Year of arrival in UK Census
QS802EW Age of arrival in the UK Census
QS803EW Length of residence in the UK Census
ST101EWla Residence type (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST102EWla Population density (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST1117EWla Sex by single year of age (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST201EWla Ethnic group (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST203EWla Country of birth (detailed) (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST204EWla Main language (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST210EWla Religion (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST212EWla Passports held (detailed) (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST301EWla Provision of unpaid care (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST302EWla General health (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST403EWla Tenure - People (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST601EWla Economic activity (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST604EWla Hours worked (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST605EWla Industry (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST606EWla Occupation (Major group) (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST607EWla NS-SeC (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
ST701EWla Method of travel to work (non-UK born short-term residents) Census
WD102EW Population density(Workday population) Census
WD1101EW Sex by five-year age group (Workday population) Census
WD1117EW Sex by single year of age (Workday population) Census
WD201EW Ethnic group (Workday population) Census
WD203EW Country of birth (detailed) (Workday population) Census
WD204EW Main language (detailed) (Workday population) Census
WD206WA Welsh language skills (Workday population) Census
WD207WA Welsh language skills (detailed) (Workday population) Census
WD210EW Religion (Workday population) Census
WD212EW Passports held (detailed) (Workday population) Census
WD302EW General health (Workday population) Census
WD403EW Tenure - People (Workday population) Census
WD501EW Highest level of qualification (Workday population) Census
WD601EW Economic activity (Workday population) Census
WD604EW Hours worked (Workday population) Census
WD605EW Industry (Workday population) Census
WD607EW NS-SeC (Workday population) Census
WD613EW Approximated Social Grade (Workday population) Census
WD803EW Length of residence in the UK (Workday population) Census
WP101EW Population (Workplace population) Census
WP102EW Population density(Workplace population) Census
WP201EW Ethnic group (Workplace population) Census
WP203EW Country of birth (detailed) (Workplace population) Census
WP204EW Main language (detailed) (Workplace population) Census
WP206WA Welsh language skills (Workplace population) Census
WP207WA Welsh language skills (detailed) (Workplace population) Census
WP210EW Religion (Workplace population) Census
WP212EW Passports held (detailed)(Workplace population) Census
WP302EW General health (workplace population) Census
WP501EW Highest level of qualification (Workplace population) Census
ABS01 Annual Business Survey Economic
ASHE702E Earnings by place of work Economic
ASHE702H Hours paid by place of work Economic
CP01 Consumer Prices Index Economic
CPA UK Trade by CPA Economic
CPI Consumer Prices Index (COICOP) Economic
CPI01 Consumer Prices Index Economic
CPISpecAgg Consumer Prices Index (Special Aggregates) Economic
MHxT5PCONH MH TEST PCONH Table 5 2015.02.04 Economic
OCIGROWTH Output in the Construction Industry Growth Rates Economic
OCIIDEF Output in the Construction Industry Implied Price Deflators Economic
OCIINDEX Output in the Construction Industry Index Numbers Economic
OCIPRICES Output in the Construction Industry Prices Economic
OCIREGION Output in the Construction Industry Regional Splits Economic
OCISIZE Output in the Construction Industry Sizebands Economic
OCITYPE Output in the Construction Industry Type of Work Economic
OPSSM01 Occupational Pension Schemes - Membership Economic
OPSSR01 Occupational Pension Schemes - Contribution Rates Economic
PRODCOM01 UK Manufacturers Sales by Product Economic
RGDHI01 Regional Gross Disposable Household Income millions Economic
RGDHI02 Regional Gross Disposable Household Income Per Head Indices Economic
RGDHI03 Regional Gross Disposable Household Income Per Head Economic
RS01 Retail Sales Economic
RSI Retail Sales Economic
SITC UK Trade in Goods by SITC Economic
TG UK Trade in Goods Economic
TIGPrices UK Trade in Goods Prices Economic
TIGSITC UK Trade in Goods by SITC Dataset Economic
TIGValues UK Trade in Goods Values Economic
TIGVolumes UK Trade in Goods Volumes Economic
TT UK Trade Totals Economic
UKBA01 Enterprise/local units by Industry and GB Local Authority Districts (including UK total) Economic
UKBA01a Enterprise/local units by 4 Digit SIC and UK Regions Economic
UKBA01b Enterprise/local units by Broad Industry Group and GB Local Authority Districts (including UK total) Economic
UKBA02 Enterprise/local units by Industry and Northern Ireland Local Authority Districts Economic
UKBA03 Enterprise/local units by Industry and Parliamentary Constituency Economic
UKBB Enterprise/local units by Industry, Employment size band and Region Economic
UKBBa Enterprise/local units by 2 Digit SIC, Employment size band and Region Economic
UKBBb Enterprise/local units by 4 Digit SIC and Employment size band Economic
UKBC Enterprise/local units by Industry, Employment size band and Legal status Economic
UKBD01 Enterprise/local units by Employment size band and GB Local Authority Districts (including UK total) Economic
UKBD02 Enterprise/local units by Employment size band and Northern Ireland Local Authority Districts Economic
UKBD03 Enterprise/local units by Employment size band and Parliamentary Constituency Economic
UKBE Enterprise/local units by Employment size band, Legal status and Region Economic
UKBF01 Enterprise by Turnover size band and GB Local Authority Districts (including UK total) Economic
UKBF02 Enterprise by Turnover size band and Northern Ireland Local Authority Districts Economic
UKBF03 Enterprise by Turnover size band and Parliamentary Constituency Economic
UKBG Enterprise by Industry, Turnover size band and Region Economic
UKBGa Enterprise by 2 Digit SIC, Turnover size band and Region Economic
UKBGb Enterprise by 4 Digit SIC and Turnover size band Economic
UKBH Enterprise by Turnover size band, Legal status and Region Economic
UKBI Enterprise by Industry, Turnover size band and Legal status Economic
GROWTH Index of Labour Costs per Hour - Growth Social
LEVEL Index of Labour Costs per Hour - Level Social
MYEDE Population Estimates for High Level Areas Social
SAPEDE Small Area Population Estimates Social

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